Hi Tim,
The method of using the ratio of gradients doesn't make sense in a maximum likelihood context,
assuming that by "a maximum likelihood context" you mean refinement using a maximum-likelihood (ML) criterion as X-ray term (or, more generally, I would call it experimental data term, as it can be neutron too, for instance), I find the whole statement above as a little bit strange since it mixes different and absolutely not related things: type of crystallographic data term and a method of relative scale (weight) determination between it and the other term (restraints). I don't see how the choice of crystallographic data term (LS, ML, real-space or any other) is related to the method of this scale determination. The only difference between LS and ML targets is that the latter accounts for model completeness and errors in a statistical manner. The differences between LS and ML are completely irrelevant to the choice of weight between crystallographic and restraints terms. In fact, the ML target can even be approximated with LS (J. Appl.Cryst.(2003).36, 158-159) without any noticeable loss. ML target itself can be formulated in a few different ways and that alone can result in optimal weight values different by order of magnitude, while showing no difference in refinement results (since it is a matter of relative scale between two functions, that can be totally arbitrary). The ratio of gradients norms gives a good estimate for the optimal weight. In fact, if you look in the math, for two-atoms system it should be multiplied by cos(angle_between_gradient_vectors), which for a many-atom structure averages out to be approximately ~0.5 (this is what is used in CNS by default), if I remember all this correctly. If the data and restraints terms are normalized (doesn't matter how) then the weight value becomes predictable. For example, the optimal weight between ML and stereochemistry restraints in phenix.refine ranges between 1 and 10, most of the time being ~5, and the ratio of gradients norms predicts this very well. Furthermore, you can always normalize any crystallographic data term such that the optimal weight will be around 1.
phenix.refine uses repulsion term only. Although one can imagine reasons why attraction terms may be helpful, in reality they may be counterproductive if the model geometry quality is not great since attractive terms may lock wrong conformations and not let them move towards correct positions dictated by the electron density.
Refinement using a force field without electrostatics versus with electrostatics was recently investigated (http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ct100506d), and found to favor its inclusion across a range of models/resolutions.
I had a look at this and more recent papers. I apologize in advance if I missed it, but I couldn't find an example showing how the proposed methodology performs for poor models. I mean real working models (incomplete with errors, like the one you get right out of MR solution). The tests shown in (/Acta Cryst./(2011). D*67*, 957-965) are all performed using models from PDB, which are supposedly good already. Sure these models may have small "cosmetic" problems, but as Joosten et al demonstrated there is always room for improvement of PDB deposited models. This is partly because the methodology and tools keep improving. So re-refinement of PDB deposited models using newer tools is very likely to yield better models, as you confirmed it once again in your paper. What would be really interesting to see is how your new methodology performs in real-life routine cases, where a structure is far away from the good final one. All the best! Pavel