Alternatively, you can do it like this: phenix.pdb_atom_selection model.pdb "chain A" --write-pdb-file=chain_A.pdb or phenix.pdbtools remove=" not chain A" model.pdb Pavel On 12/3/11 2:47 PM, Jeff Headd wrote:
Hi Bradley,
You can use phenix.pdbtools to select a specified chain. The syntax is like this:
phenix.pdbtools keep="chain A" model.pdb
This will write out a new PDB file which only contains chain A.
On Sat, Dec 3, 2011 at 2:11 PM, Bradley Hintze
wrote: Hi again,
I am trying to take a pdb and write out a new pdb with just a specified chain. I am trying to do this with the hierarchy but am unfamiliar with its functions How do I do this?
Thanks, Bradley
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