In the GUI under Tab Validation you can find Comprehensive Validation, which does the same. You can even do paired refinement. @ Tom Terwillinger. In some older phenix versions there was a GUI for plan.SAD experiments. But in the newer versions it is not supplied. Additionally is it planned to make also a GUi version of scale and merge. Best regards, Georg. On 06/17/2015 09:49 PM, Murpholino Peligro wrote:
Thanks, I'll try that.
2015-06-17 14:46 GMT-05:00 Pavel Afonine
mailto:[email protected]>: phenix.model_vs_data will do this:
On 6/17/15 12:40, Murpholino Peligro wrote:
Is it phenix.refine the best tool for that?
2015-06-17 14:37 GMT-05:00 Murpholino Peligro
mailto:[email protected]>: How can I get R values without refining anything?
Just to check if my newest model is better than the old one?
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