Hi Michael,

yes - only if you have exactly matching datasets. For example one MTZ (or any other format) file with Fobs and another MTZ (or any other format) file with free-R flags; and the hkl indices in both files are identical. Otherwise, no.

I'm not sure, may be Ralf or Peter have some scripts to do this - I remember someone asked for this, but may be I'm wrong...


On 8/20/2008 9:35 AM, Michael Hothorn wrote:
Hi Pavel,

I'd like to add a question to this. Is there a way in phenix to inherit 
the test reflections from another reflection file i.e. in .mtz format?


Pavel Afonine wrote:
Hi Francis,

it is always the best to generate the free R flags for the whole dataset 
and this is what phenix.refine does (I will have to double-check, 
though). Because, for example, if you change your mind and later decide 
to use more data, you will run into trouble with generating free R flags 
for the rest of reflections for which you haven't done it in the beginning.

Also, phenix.refine generates free R that are evenly distributed over 
the resolution, making sure that relatively thin resolution bins receive 
enough of reflections (to assure correct ML estimations).

So, I don't see any problem here... Am I missing something?


On 8/20/2008 8:58 AM, Francis E Reyes wrote:
Hi all

When generating R-Free flags from phenix refine, flags are generated  
all the way to the limit of the data. However, shouldn't flags be  
generated up to the limit of the data if specified via  
n ? If not, are the statistics for R/Rfree matching to high resolution  
data that may be suspicious ?



Francis Reyes M.Sc.
215 UCB
University of Colorado at Boulder

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