Thanks Pavel: I tried the following code for PDB 1SX3: ******************* phenix.tls 1SX3.pdb combine_tls=true ******************** but it ended up with: *********** ======================= TLS groups from PDB file header ======================= Sorry: Bad TLS selection: start index > end index. ******************* Not sure whether something wrong with the PDB file or the script. By the way, do I have to specify the selection or phenix.tls will automatically do it based on PDB header? Thanks! Hailiang
Hi Hailiang,
For the pdb file generated by refmac which contains only the residual-B, will phenix.fmodel automatically generates and takes into account the TLS B by reading the TLS REMARK from pdb? Thanks a lot!
is the tool to convert between total and residual ADPs. It can recognize Refmac and phenix.refine formats of TLS records.
phenix.model_vs_data does this internally to compute correct R-factors and ADP statistics.
phenix.fmodel takes the PDB file as is, so it is your responsibility to provide the correct input B-factors.