Hi, From the phenix manual: Refinement with minimization (selected part of model): % phenix.refine data.hkl model.pdb strategy=individual_sites sites.individual="chain A" This will refine the coordinates of atoms in chain A while keeping fixed the atomic coordinates in chain B. So I think you probably need to have a different chain ID for your ligand, and the above should do the trick. Note that here, Phenix is run in command line mode, not the GUI. I haven't checked if it's possible to do this with the GUI. Fred. intekhab alam wrote:
I am a new user to phenix and have just started with Phenix.refine using GUI. I want to fix the co-ordinate of ligand atoms in my structure and then refine it. can anyone help me to do that in phenix GUI. Thanks in advance
INTEKHAB ALAM LABORATORY OF STRUCTURAL BIOINFORMATICS KOREA UNIVERSITY, SEOUL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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