
I am having the exact same problem.  I need the NCS parameters in a format suitable for AutoBuild which I think is different than phenix.refine.  Are you trying to use phenix.simple_ncs_from_pdb routine in GUI?  Let me know if you have made any progress.



I am having difficulties defining NCS parameters using the GUI
interface (Mac 10.4.11; phenix 1.6-289).

Phenix will automatically select NCS restraint groups and use them
during refinement.  But if I edit the automated selections to my
liking then click on Update and Save, the refinement runs with the
original parameters unedited.  I have tried reading in a ncs.param
file, but it does not get read during the refinement run.  Also, an
intermittent problem with this GUI is that I am not allowed to "Add"
a new restraint group.  When I click this button, it just clears out
the selections on the last group, and does not add a new group.  Any



John Pascal, PhD                       ph 215.503.4596
Assistant Professor                    fx 215.923.2117
Thomas Jefferson University
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
233 South 10th Street, BLSB 804
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  19107

Mark A. Saper, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biological Chemistry
University of Michigan

Biophysics, 3040 Chemistry Building
930 N University Ave
Ann Arbor MI  48109-1055 U.S.A.