Hi Tom,
Many thanks for your reply. I was running phenix in my d_drive (a vfat partition) and got the error message. However, when I moved the mtz file to a directory under home directory (home/user/phenix-local), The program work without any problem. Let me explain how this work:
I'm running phenix on fedora7 (a dual boot machine with Windows). I installed phenix under home/user/program/phenix (not /usr/local). I have a vfat partition (as d_drive) where I keep all my data and basically process everything there. I got the error message if I run phenix in the vfat partition but the program can be run successfully under the home directory /home/user/phenix-local).
Following is what I got if I run phenix in the vfat partition (d_drive):
WORKDIR: /mnt/d_drive/ccp4_data/SAD/phenix-localmachine
Checking for KnownWizards: ['AutoSol', 'AutoBuild', 'ImportRawData']
application method: Null
Getting inputs on first pass...
SETTING UP INPUTS AutoSol Wizard Screen 1 of 4
AutoSol: Choose data files for dataset #1
A "dataset" is a group of data with a single set of heavy-atom sites
You will be able to combine the results of all datasets later
Note: Data files can be any format. If they are not all Scalepack premerged or all
Scalepack unmerged then all will be converted to Scalepack premerged
SUMMARY Input files dataset #1
Creating new Data Storage /mnt/d_drive/ccp4_data/SAD/phenix-localmachine/PDS/AutoSol.1
sh: TEMP0/temporary.com: Permission denied
Could be something related to permission problem but I have set permission to read/write/execute in vfat partition by adding the following line to /etc/fstab:
/dev/sda6 /mnt/d_drive vfat users,uid=eric,gid=users,umask=0002,utf8=true 0 0
Any suggestion to enable running phenix in the vfat partition?
Hi Eric,
Can you possibly check to see that you have a recent version of phenix:
phenix.version will do this.
Then if that is ok, I'm not sure what is causing the problem. This
message means that solve could not run with the data it got, but
usually an error message should come up earlier if there is a
problem. Have a look at LAST.LOG in your AutoSol directory and see
if it has any hints. Also look at AutoSol_run_1_.output and see the
end of this log file.
If none of those work, if you can send me your input data file I can
see if there is a problem with it (all I would need is the first 100
lines or so).
-Tom T