Dear Phenix developers, We have a protein with two sub domains (N-lobe and C-lobe) we are trying to solve by MR. The C-terminal sub domain solves fine (TFZ 11.1), but the N-terminal lobe is not being placed correctly. I read in the online documentation that you can specify a limited rotation range around the orientation you would expect for the N-lobe based on the C-lobe orientation. My question is, how do specify what orientation to start with? I know I need some Euler numbers, but are they just the same ones that the C-lobe writes out with and I use an N- lobe that is basically the other half of the C-lobe pdb (ie the X,Y,Z co-ordinates are consistent with each other at the beginning of the search)? Or do I need to position the N-lobe with the solution C-lobe and write it out for use in the search model, and then how do I specify the Euler? Also we were going to try and use normal mode perturbation to generate an ensemble and I was wondering if there is more documentation somewhere on how to do that? Regards Christine