Hi Luca,
I've just noticed that in the last version of PHENIX (1.3b-d7) this is not recognised anymore:
refinement.modify_start_model.adp.set_biso_to_wilson_b = true
is this intentional?
I'm afraid, yes. There are some technical reasons for this. You still have at least two ways of doing this: 1) When running phenix.refine : % phenix.refine data.mtz model.pdb modify_start_model.adp.set_b_iso=xxx where xxx is Wilson B values (that you may get from previous phenix.refine runs; phenix.refine reports it). 2) We recently added a tool for PDB file(s) manipulations. Currently it is very simple but will grow based on needs and user's requests. For example, it can read in a model and for selected or all atoms: - modify ADP (randomize, shift, set to a value, scale, convert to/from iso(aniso)tropic); - modify sites (shake, apply rotation / translation); - modify occupancies; - remove selected atoms; - write out a PDB file with modified model. To get started type: phenix.pdbtools -h I'm attaching a copy of a quick manual for phenix.pdbtools (it will be a part of new updated PHENIX documentation). Pavel.