Hello Kristoffer,
maybe this is related to the first paragraph at the link that you
provide ("The paradigm and implementation of the joint X-ray and
neutron refinement were changed in the fall of 2023, as documented
here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37942718/"):
It is better to use the information from an X-ray dataset via
geometric restraints and refine against neutron data only (cf. DOI
10.1107/S1600576713027659), so that you focus on the information from
the neutron data.
On Fri, 23 Feb 2024 10:58:17 +0000 Kristoffer Lundgren
Hello phenixbb,
When trying to do joint refinement in phenix.refine 1.21-5207 using the suggested joint_xn.eff file found at https://phenix-online.org/documentation/reference/refinement.html#neutron-an... as a template I get some error messages (running phenix.refine from the command line):
Unrecognized PHIL parameters: ----------------------------- xray.refinement.refine.strategy (file "joint_xn.eff", line 33) xray.refinement.main.simulated_annealing (file "joint_xn.eff", line 36) xray.refinement.main.ordered_solvent (file "joint_xn.eff", line 37) xray.refinement.main.number_of_macro_cycles (file "joint_xn.eff", line 38) neutron.refinement.refine.strategy (file "joint_xn.eff", line 45) neutron.refinement.main.simulated_annealing (file "joint_xn.eff", line 48) neutron.refinement.main.ordered_solvent (file "joint_xn.eff", line 49) neutron.refinement.main.number_of_macro_cycles (file "joint_xn.eff", line 50)
Can you please advice on how to proceed? It looks like the options supplied are not recognized at all by phenix.refine.
Best regards Kristoffer
on behalf of Derek Logan Date: Monday, 22 January 2024 at 09:39 To: "[email protected]" Cc: Ulf Ryde , "esko.oksanen_ess.eu" Subject: ***SPAM*** [phenixbb] Joint X-ray / neutron refinement Hi phenixbb,
I'm trying to understand the current status of joint X-ray/neutron refinement in phenix.refine. The announcement of the latest release mentions a change in the algorithm as described in the recent publication. In the documentation:
Structure refinement in PHENIXhttps://phenix-online.org/documentation/reference/refinement.html#neutron-an... phenix-online.orghttps://phenix-online.org/documentation/reference/refinement.html#neutron-an...
it's described how you can run joint refinement using a parameter file. Does this mean that it is *only* possible in this way and not through the GUI? The GUI was very useful in the past as it automatically opened Coot with the maps for both X-rays and neutrons, and the refinement statistics for both were displayed in the GUI. As far as I can see joint refinement via the GUI last worked in version 1.19.2-4148 from 2021.
Best regards Derek
-- -- Tim Gruene Head of the Centre for X-ray Structure Analysis Faculty of Chemistry University of Vienna Phone: +43-1-4277-70202 GPG Key ID = A46BEE1A