Dear Structural Biology community, AUC2019https://auc2019.uleth.ca/, the 24th AUC Workshop and Symposium, will be held at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch (New Zealand) from 24-29 August 2019. The format of the event is a 2-3 day workshophttps://auc2019.uleth.ca/workshops.php offering parallel, hands-on training in experimental design and the latest AUC data analysis software from the world experts in this area followed by a 2 day research symposium on AUC and complementary approaches: methodological development, combination with orthogonal techniques (SAXS, SANS, SPR, MST, SEC-MALLS etc), application in biosciences and material sciences. Registrations are now open and details can be found at this website: https://auc2019.uleth.ca/ As the scientific programhttps://auc2019.uleth.ca/symposium.php for AUC2019 emerges, events will be uploaded to the website. We strongly encourage you to submit abstracts for talks and postershttps://auc2019.uleth.ca/abstracts.php. The meeting is also timed such that delegates can also attend the Queenstown Molecular Biology Conferencehttps://www.queenstownresearchweek.org/ (which is in Queenstown), although note that this is a separate conference. Lastly, The European Biophysics Journal has kindly agreed to run a special issue to celebrate the research presented at AUC2019. Therefore, we invite those who wish to extend their talks to a journal publication to consider contributing original research articles to this issue. Please indicate your interest for inclusion in this volume below. Deadline for registration of a contribution is August 30 2019. We look forward to welcoming you to Christchurch, New Zealand next Spring(-ish)! Ren Dobson, Chair AUC2019 On behalf of the AUC2019 Scientific Organising Committee ---- Prof. Ren Dobson Co-Director, Biomolecular Interaction Centre (BIC) http://www.bic.canterbury.ac.nz/ School of Biological Sciences | Te Kura Pūtaiao Koiora University of Canterbury | Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha Private Bag 4800 Christchurch | Ōtautahi New Zealand | Aotearoa E: [email protected]mailto:[email protected] T: ++64 (03) 369-5145 x 95145 F: ++64 (03) 364-2590 W: http://dobsonlab.org/