On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 12:57 PM, Sam Stampfer <Samuel.Stampfer@tufts.edu> wrote:
1. What is the relevance of having a LOW difference between Rfree and Rwork? My structure seems to have a higher than expected Rwork value relative to Rfree (aren't they supposed to differ by 0.05 or so, instead of the 0.03 observed in my structure?) Additionally, as I refine at lower wxc values (more weight on geometry) I get an increased Rwork value with an equal or decreased Rfree (relative to the refinement at a higher wxc value). Does that mean my structure is better or worse?
2. How can I judge the output from my refinement? I have looked at Rwork, Rfree, and the molprobity clashscore and overall score values. I included them below, at the end of this email. How do I tell which the best refinement is? Which one would you suggest? I thought the best was wxc = 0.1 since the R-work and Rfree aren't changed much from the start values but the geometry is far better.