Hello Ho, I'm not sure what's happening in this particular case, but I suggest you try FEM (Feature Enhanced Map), which is basically similar idea but it is more powerful. Details and usage instructions are here: http://www.phenix-online.org/presentations/fem.pdf Note, this is still experimental tool. Any feedback is greatly appreciated! All the best, Pavel On 7/5/13 8:10 PM, Ho Leung Ng wrote:
I am finding that features in kicked difference maps (mFo-DFc) have very different scaling compared to the standard difference maps. For example, a blob that appears in the standard map at 3 sigma might not appear in the kicked map until 5.5 sigma. Is this correct functioning? In contrast, features in the kicked and standard 2mFo-DFc maps are comparable in scale.
Thank you, Ho
Ho Leung Ng University of Hawaii at Manoa Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry [email protected]