
I am running phenix version 1.9-1692. I have restrains for a nitric oxide ligand that I have used previously to refine a heme iron-NO linked structure. I have pasted them below. For some reason. The NO always gets moved a little to far from the iron. Here is a coot screen shot:

Can someone please help me resolve this issue? Thank you.


metal edits file:

refinement.geometry_restraints.edits {
  bond {
    action = *add
    atom_selection_1 = name  FE  and chain A and resname FE and resseq  499
    atom_selection_2 = name  N   and chain A and resname NMO and resseq  510
    distance_ideal = 1.75
    sigma = 0.1

refinement.geometry_restraints.edits {
  angle {
    action = *add
    atom_selection_1 = name FE  and chain A and resname FE and resseq  499
    atom_selection_2 = name N   and chain A and resname NMO  and resseq  510
    atom_selection_3 = name O   and chain A and resname  NMO  and resseq  510
    angle_ideal = 160
    sigma = 5

refinement.geometry_restraints.edits {
  bond {
    action = *add
    atom_selection_1 = name  FE  and chain B and resname FE and resseq  499
    atom_selection_2 = name  N   and chain B and resname NMO and resseq  510
    distance_ideal = 1.75
    sigma = 0.1

refinement.geometry_restraints.edits {
  angle {
    action = *add
    atom_selection_1 = name FE   and chain B and resname FE and resseq  499
    atom_selection_2 = name N   and chain B and resname NMO  and resseq  510
    atom_selection_3 = name O   and chain B and resname NMO  and resseq 510
    angle_ideal = 160
    sigma = 5
CIF file

NMO NMO "nitric oxide             " ligand 2 2 . 
NMO         N       N   N     .         -0.1324   -0.0924    0.5896
NMO         O       O   O     .          0.1324    0.0924   -0.5896
NMO  N       O      double        1.223 0.020
NMO plan-1  N      0.020
NMO plan-1  O      0.020