The SSRL Structural Biology beamlines 12-2, 9-2 and 4-2 and the Stanford-SLAC CryoEM facilities are open to user projects that are related to COVID-19 research. CryoEM Proposals may be submitted as service projects through our Stanford-SLAC Cryo-EM Centerhttps://cryoem.slac.stanford.edu/s2c2/ (S2C2) program or as collaborative projects through our National Center for Macromolecular Imaginghttps://cryoem.slac.stanford.edu/ncmi/ (NCMI) program. Registration and proposal submittal are facilitated through our user portalhttps://userportal.slac.stanford.edu/, as are similar applications for COVID-19 related research on structural molecular biology beamlines at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsourcehttps://www-ssrl.slac.stanford.edu/ (SSRL). For questions regarding the application process, please contact Lisa Dunn (mailto:[log%20in%20to%20unmask][email protected]). Feel share this information with others who may have COVID-19 related research projects. Links SSRL: https://www-ssrl.slac.stanford.edu/ S2C2: https://cryoem.slac.stanford.edu/s2c2/ NCMI: https://cryoem.slac.stanford.edu/ncmi/ User Portal: https://userportal.slac.stanford.edu/ SSRL Rapid Access: https://www-ssrl.slac.stanford.edu/content/user-resources/rapid-access-ssrl-...