FYI: phenix.fmodel rarely takes more than 3-5 seconds to run. Under the hood it is simply iotbx.pdb.input to fast-process PDB file, and then Fcalc from xray_structure. If bulk-solvent contribution is requested then the time for mask calculation (which is fast too) adds to the total runtime. Pavel On 9/13/11 9:14 PM, Ralf Grosse-Kunstleve wrote:
sfall XYZIN model.pdb HKLOUT model.mtz << END-sfall MODE SFCALC XYZIN CELL 15 20 25 90 90 90 tel:20%2025%2090%2090%2090 SYMM P212121 RESO 30 2.1 LABO FC=FC PHIC=PHIC END-sfall
Here is another one:
iotbx.pdb.as_xray_structure model.pdb --fake=2.5
Faster than phenix.fmodel, but no bulk-solvent correction.
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