Hi guys,

So I've been trying out MRage. I used the GUI since I didn't care too much and just wanted it started. 
I noticed two things. It doesn't show you the best results so far. It doesn't even save the best results so far. Everything is hidden in a giant log file in the .phenix/project_data folder (.phenix is hidden so I'm guessing that means you don't want people snooping around in there?).
I can grep the TFZ= lines with grep 'TFZ=' mr_pipeline.log > grep-TFZ.txt and sort them with sort -r -k 13 grep-TFZ.txt but I think this is a bit excessive for the average user. 
Oh, and now I tried to re-run the highest scoring model in Phaser and it crashed and took MRage with it. Are you sure MRage is out of beta? Trying to be facetious, not mean.


Morten K Grøftehauge, PhD 
Pohl Group
Durham University