Hello, I'm working in a refinement that I
started some time ago. I noted that repeating the same
refinement task using a newer version of phenix, the
refinement statistics Before and After refinement are
different from values of the old version (I used
"restore job" from the Job history to repeat the same
task in the two versions installed in the same PC). Any
explanation? I'm worried about the rms deviation. Thanks
in advance.
new version:
R-work: start=0.1697, final=0.1761
R-free: start=0.2011, final=0.2053
Bonds: start=0.046, final=0.029
Angles: start=1.321, final= 0.631
old version:
start=0.1651, final=0.1657
start=0.2018, final=0.2009
start=0.013, final=0.013
start=1.409, final= 1.411