Hi Heather -
From your Coot window, you can go to Edit->Preferences, then
select the "Map Colours" tab in the resulting window. You should
see radio buttons for "Coot colours" and "O colours". The way
these work is that you select the desired colo(u)r for the
positive difference density (e.g. green). The negative contour is
then 120 degrees ahead (clockwise) on the color wheel if you
choose Coot colors, or 120 degrees behind if you choose O colors.
It looks to me like you want positive to be green, and negative to
be red. So I think you want Coot colors, and positive set to
green. At the moment, it appears that you have O colors.
I have no idea if your selections will be kept the next time
Phenix opens a window for you. Probably not.
Hope that helps,
On 8/28/13 11:22 AM, Heather L Condurso wrote:
I can go into map colors and change them to
whatever color I want, but if I try and make what I imagine
should be + green, then - are royal blue. The only way I can
get red and green is if the - are green, then the positives are
red. I will just pretend royal blue is red for now. If you
come up with anything let me know.
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Matthew Franklin, Ph. D.
Senior Scientist
New York Structural Biology Center
89 Convent Avenue, New York, NY 10027
(212) 939-0660 ext. 9374