Dear Kornelius, you can find the answer here

example 5.

The example is crambin: crambin displays amino acid heterogeneity at position 22(Pro or Ser) and 25 (Leu or Ile).

However  atoms overlapping (crambin) crashes Coot until you add


to $HOME/ in OSX or the appropriate place on Windows. For Windows, as there is no $HOME, Coot uses or .coot-preferences/ directory for configuration - these can be found (added to) the directory in which Coot was installed (e.g. C:\WinCoot).

Best regards, Georg.

Am 12.04.2017 um 17:57 schrieb Kornelius Zeth:

Dear all,


I’m trying to refine the occupancy and position of two co-factors iron (III) and FEO (Fe-O-Fe) in a crystal structure. The iron (III) is placed with some occupancy on one of the iron positions in FEO. If I refine them together in Phenix with low occ phenix.refine moves the atoms apart. What is the best way of dealing with this problem?


Thanks and best wishes



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