Hi Raja, here is what I usually do to get a paper-quality picture out of PyMol: once I have model and maps displayed, I issues these commands: ray 500,500 png file_name You need to play with the above numbers to get the picture you like, and it will be saved under file name file_name.png. Since I use Pymol one a year or so, I can't remember what the above "magic" numbers/commands mean. Pavel. On 9/1/09 11:16 AM, Raja Dey wrote:
Dear Friends, Sorry, for the of topic question. Does anyone can tell how to improve the quality of a picture showing the electron density map of dna in a complex using PYMOL. I created the figure, but not happy with the quality as it is now. Might be there is a way to improve which I don't know. I want the lines in the mesh to be more sharp and fine. Any suggested program to prepare a publication quality figure to show the ED map would be of great help. Thanking you in advance... Raja
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