Hi All, I hope everyone had relaxing holidays to begin the new year. I am back to work trying to refine anomalous groups using phenix.refine. I have managed to merge my files so that my exptl_fobs_phases_flags_1_with_hl_anom.mtz now contains F(+), SIGF(+), F(-), SIGF(-). Now I have a new problem which was not occurring before the break. Usually I check the box for "Anomalous groups", then select "Modify selections for: Anomalous groups" which brings up a screen for atom selection and definition of f' and f''. In the past, clicking on the View/pick button launches Coot for selection of the atoms. Sadly, now clicking on the View/pick doesn't launch Coot and instead crashes Phenix. Does anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it? Please help! Thanks, ~Brennan~