Dear Andreas
2009/8/28 Andreas Forster
Ah, Peter, cool stuff indeed. I tried to follow your procedure with P65:
phenix.python $somedriectory/cctbx/examples/sub_group_graphy.py P66 > tmp.com chmod +x tmp.com tmp.com # fails: bash: tmp.com: command not found ./tmp.com # also fails with the following error message
./tmp.com: line 2: ----------------------------: command not found ./tmp.com: line 4: Outgoing: command not found ./tmp.com: line 5: P: command not found ./tmp.com: line 6: P: command not found ./tmp.com: line 7: P: command not found ./tmp.com: line 8: P: command not found ./tmp.com: line 10: syntax error near unexpected token `(' ./tmp.com: line 10: `P 1 ---> P 65 :: using: (x-y,x,z+5/6) (y,-x+y,z+1/6) (-y,x-y,z+2/3) (-x+y,-x,z+1/3) (-x,-y,z+1/2) symops left: 0'
Three empty files are generated: [], [P 65, and [P 65].
Any suggestions? Dot is installed. OS is RHEL 5.4. Phenix is 1.4-3 (cctbx tag: 2008_12_07_1353)
I just checked this myself and what I found worked perfectly was to actually read some of the output that are in the tmp.com file. I get something like the following in the end of the tmp.com file: dot -Tpng > sg_graph.png << EOF digraph f { rankdir=LR"P 1" -> "P 65" ;"P 1" -> "P 32" ;"P 1" -> "P 1 1 21" ;"P 1 1 21" -> "P 65" ;"P 32" -> "P 65" ;} EOF Simply pasting this in a terminal seems to work perfectly. Best regards, Folmer Fredslund
On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 11:36 PM, Peter Zwart
wrote: Because it's a cool way for getting your head around the twinning problems... Cheers phx
Indeed, that is what it was written for.
try something like
phenix.python $somedriectory/cctbx/examples/sub_group_graphy.py P432 > tmp.com chmod +x tmp.com tmp.com display sg_graph.png
you need to have dot installed (comes with ccp4)
Peter Zwart wrote:
Can you send the exact unit cell parameters? The number you give now are to rough to make a fair comparison.
In any case, C2221 does lie directly below P43212 (see attached figure), so you have a good chance that is a possibility. On the other hand, so are P43 and P212121. It is fairly straightforwadr to try all, just cumbersome. I suggest however you get your data in P1, and solve it in that spacegroup. Subsequently, run
phenix.xtriage p1data.mtz reference.structure.file=MR.1.pdb
and start interpreting the RvsR tables. Contact me directly if you have difficulties with this, or share with the bb as this is a very instructive exercise.
2009/8/25 Leigh Allen
: Hello Phenix users.
I recently solved the structure of my enzyme using SAD to a resolution of 1.9A. The R values were 0.19/0.25 and the space group was P43212 with a unit cell ~80, 80, 220.
I then starting collecting datasets cocrystallized with ATP analogs and noticed that a lot of my datasets have a different unit cell when scaled in P43212. It comes out to be ~60, 60, 220 and I can NOT get a solution in Phaser with this data. If I scale it in C2221, then the unit cell is the same (80, 80, 220), but upon refinement, the R factors don't go much below 0.26/0.32. Has anyone ever seen something like this happen? I'm unsure if I should feel like the solution is C2221 since there are space groups of higher symmetry with similar residuals that seem plausible in indexing just the smaller unit cell. Should I keep trying to get a solution out of the data that leads to different unit cell parameters, but has higher symmetry?
Xtriage seems to find twinning, but I think it's from NCS since my ASU contains a homodimer. I could also be wrong about this...
Thanks in advance for any advice!
******* Leigh Allen Ph.D Candidate McCafferty Lab Duke University Department of Chemistry
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-- ----------------------------------------------------------------- P.H. Zwart Beamline Scientist Berkeley Center for Structural Biology Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories 1 Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, CA-94703, USA Cell: 510 289 9246 BCSB: http://bcsb.als.lbl.gov PHENIX: http://www.phenix-online.org CCTBX: http://cctbx.sf.net -----------------------------------------------------------------
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