On Nov 18, 2009, at 1:40 AM, Miguel Ortiz Lombardia wrote:
This is a question/request to the phenix developers. Are there any plans to make the new phenix GUI to use an X11 python interface instead of the Aqua one? The reason I ask is that we use Mac OSX servers for calculations here and an X11 interface would be a lot more appropriate for this configuration. That way users could export the GUI to their local workstations. As it is implemented now this use of the GUI is impossible on Mac OSX.
Before someone makes the suggestion: Remote Desktop simply allows to share the only Aqua desktop that the server can produce, that is, only one user can access the Aqua desktop, whether remotely or locally.
We would be happy to test any X11 version you might be willing to develop.
We have no plans for this. In theory it is possible, but wxPython was simply not designed to work this way, and it requires some manual hacking to get it to compile with GTK on OS X. I'm not even certain that all features are supported; OpenGL may be too much to deal with. A more universal solution would be remote execution on a cluster; this may be implemented at some point but it's also difficult. ------------------- Nathaniel Echols Lawrence Berkeley Lab 510-486-5136 [email protected]