16 Sep
16 Sep
3:39 p.m.
Hello Forum, I am using Phenix 1.7.1-743 to refine my structure. My R/Rfree values for a 2.5 A structure were 0.22/0.305. I used optimize weights along with TLS and the R/Rfree values improved to 0.23/0.29. I wanted to know what parameters should I use for subsequent refinement. I read on phenix bb that one needs to fix the wxc_scale and wxu_scale. Is this correct? What values should be used for these parameters after running optimize wxc/wxu weights. Is there any place where I can get starting values for my future refinement? Also, I would like to know what Fix X-ray/stereochemistry weight and Fix X-ray/ADP weights are for? Thanks for the help.