28 Apr
28 Apr
1:08 p.m.
Dear all, If I want to calculate FSC curve between experimental cryo EM map and model, what is the correct procedure to do so? I will explain what I have tried so far. Although I have variable local resolution in my map, according to FSC=0.143 criterion I have a 4 Ang map (say 1.mrc), I have used 'molmap' command in Chimera to generate a simulated map at 4 Ang. Then I used "vop resample" to take care of the pixel and box values ( then saved as 2.mrc). Thereafter, I have used "e2proc3d.py 1.mrc fsc.txt --calcfsc=2.mrc and plotted the fsc.txt file to get the curve. I am not sure if I am on the right track. My pixel size is 1.28. Best regards, Tofayel