Hi Mark,
At present in PHENIX we only have statistical density modification (using resolve). (With this formulation of density modification there isn't really any "flattening" or "flipping" but rather an "expectation of uniform density in the solvent region".)
All the best,
Tom T

Thomas C. Terwilliger
Mail Stop M888
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, NM 87545

Tel:  505-667-0072                 email: [email protected]
Fax: 505-665-3024                 SOLVE web site: http://solve.lanl.gov
PHENIX web site: http:www.phenix-online.org
ISFI Integrated Center for Structure and Function Innovation web site: http://techcenter.mbi.ucla.edu
TB Structural Genomics Consortium web site: http://www.doe-mbi.ucla.edu/TB
CBSS Center for Bio-Security Science web site: http://www.lanl.gov/cbss

On Oct 27, 2008, at 6:39 AM, Mark Collins wrote:

Is there a solvent flipping (like solomon, ccp4) rather than flattening
option in phenix?
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