hi, phenix is crashing with "segid is not unique" problems i have an old job that ran fine in 1.20, in 1.21-5207 i get this (same job script) Sorry: residue.id_str(suppress_segid=false): segid is not unique: pdbres="ALA 65 " segid="PPP " i think the appropriate place in the log is this: Chain: " " Number of atoms: 41993 Number of conformers: 1 Conformer: "" Number of residues, atoms: 1519, 32612 Duplicate atoms: {' A,C1*': 112, ' A,C2': 112, ' A,C2*': 112, ' A,C3*': 112, ' A,C4': 112, ' A,C4*': 112, ' A, C5': 112, ' A,C5*': 112, ' A,C6': 112, ' A,C8': 112, ' A,N1': 112, ' A,N3': 112, ' A,N6': 112, ' A,N7': 112, ' A,N9': 1 12, ' A,O1P': 112, ' A,O2*': 112, ' A,O2P': 112, ' A,O3*': 112, ' A,O4*': 112, ' A,O5*': 112, ' A,P': 112, ' C,C1*': 71 , ' C,C2': 71, ' C,C2*': 71, ' C,C3*': 71, ' C,C4': 71, ' C,C4*': 71, ' C,C5': 71, ' C,C5*': 71, ' C,C6': 71, ' C,N1': 71, ' C,N3': 71, ' C,N4': 71, ' C,O1P': 71, ' C,O2': 71, ' C,O2*': 71, ' C,O2P': 71, ' C,O3*': 71, ' C,O4*': 71, ' C, O5*': 71, ' C,P': 71, ' G,C1*': 179, ' G,C2': 179, ' G,C2*': 179, ' G,C3*': 179, ' G,C4': 179, ' G,C4*': 179, ' G,C5': 179, ' G,C5*': 179, ' G,C6': 179, ' G,C8': 179, ' G,N1': 179, ' G,N2': 179, ' G,N3': 179, ' G,N7': 179, ' G,N9': 179, ' G,O1P': 179, ' G,O2*': 179, ' G,O2P': 179, ' G,O3*': 179, ' G,O4*': 179, ' G,O5*': 179, ' G,O6': 179, ' G,P': 179, ' U,C1*': 69, ' U,C2': 69, ' U,C2*': 69, ' U,C3*': 69, ' U,C4': 69, ' U,C4*': 69, ' U,C5': 69, ' U,C5*': 69, ' U,C6': 69, ' U,N1': 69, ' U,N3': 69, ' U,O1P': 69, ' U,O2': 69, ' U,O2*': 69, ' U,O2P': 69, ' U,O3*': 69, ' U,O4': 69, ' U,O4*': 69, ' U,O5*': 69, ' U,P': 69} Classifications: {'RNA': 1519} Modifications used: {'rna2p': 1, 'rna2p_pur': 82, 'rna2p_pyr': 63, 'rna3p': 10, 'rna3p_pur': 497, 'rna3p_pyr': 444} Link IDs: {'rna2p': 146, 'rna3p': 1372} the 1.20 log does not have these messages and finished normally. maybe a wildcard problem with those stars ? we are not using the '*' in our files has anyone seen that ? should i go back to 1.20 ? or force it to use the 1.20 chem data lib ? thanks jpd