1. I'm trying to use pdbtools and I don't quite get the syntax. How can I specify the output file name on the command line? these don't work: phenix.pdbtools 2chr_refine_001.pdb sites.shake=0.5 output file_name = shake1.pdb phenix.pdbtools 2chr_refine_001.pdb sites.shake=0.5 file_name = shake1.pdb phenix.pdbtools 2chr_refine_001.pdb sites.shake=0.5 --output file_name = shake1.pdb phenix.pdbtools 2chr_refine_001.pdb sites.shake=0.5 --file_name = shake1.pdb phenix.pdbtools --output file_name = shake1.pdb 2chr_refine_001.pdb sites.shake=0.5 phenix.pdbtools output.file_name = shake1.pdb 2chr_refine_001.pdb sites.shake=0.5 2. for the "shake" operation, is there a random seed so that it comes out differently each time? (If I do this five times with different output file names, will they all be the different?)