Dear all,
I have a protein-ligand structure with several chains in the AU. After refinement one of the ligands forms a close contact 1.8A with the protein. For the rest of the protein-ligand chains the same interaction is as expected to 2.7-2.8 A forming an H-bond. I
tried to adjust this ligand with coot but everytime I am getting back the same 1.8 A close contact. There is enough density for the ligand and I can even see that it can fit better to distance 2.4-2.5A H-bond with the protein
Is there a way to constrain this distance to more than 2A? Should I fix the ligand atom that interacts? Unless I am missing something more fundamental. The ligand cif file is the default in phenix, the data set is a quite decent 2.3A.
thanks in advance for any suggestions
Dr. Nikos Pinotsis
Institute of Structural and Molecular Biology
Department of Biological Sciences, 3rd Floor, R313
Birkbeck College
Malet Street
London WC1E 7HX
T: +44 (0)207 631 6827
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