Hi Bryan, the plot "Sigma-A vs Resolution" will be available in the next PHENIX nightly build: http://www.phenix-online.org/download/nightly_builds.cgi (anything built after October 22). Usage example: phenix.model_vs_data model.pdb data.hkl or mmtbx.model_vs_data model.pdb data.hkl if you are not interested in geometry statistics. Currently this is not available for datasets from twinned crystals. Nat, could you please add this plot somewhere in PHENIX GUI "Comprehensive Validation"? (An example of how this plot looks like you can find here: http://journals.iucr.org/d/issues/2006/08/00/dz5074/index.html) Pavel. On 10/5/10 4:36 PM, Lepore, Bryan wrote:
how might one start to go about getting phenix to automatically write out the value of sigma_A vs. resolution?
e.g. when making maps, to get that nice table in Randy Read's SIGMAA program output of ln(sigma_A) vs. resolution.