Hi, I wanted to try phenix.find_peaks_holes with anomalous structure factors from XPREP but I ran into a few problems. And then I tried to fix them by reading the manual and that was really hard too. So first the missing manual. If I google it I get this page http://www.phenix-online.org/documentation/find_peaks_holes.htm which is for the GUI. When I go back to the documentation http://www.phenix-online.org/documentation/phenix_documentation.html I can't find the link for it (which is also why I was using Google to find it in the first place). I also checked the source to see if the link was somehow misnamed. Anyway, running it from the command line with default settings is not hard. phenix.find_peaks_holes model.pdb reflections.hkl but I run into this error message Sorry: Unresolved amplitude/intensity ambiguity: /path/path/path/reflections.hkl SHELX reflection files may contain amplitudes or intensities. Please append =amplitudes or =hklf3 or =intensities or =hklf4 to the file name argument or parameter to resolve the ambiguity. and I don't how to do that. If I add .hklf3 at the end of the file name I get the same error. If I go reflections.hkl=hklf3 I just get a message that I need to supply a reflection file. What is the syntax? Cheers, Morten -- Morten K Grøftehauge, PhD Pohl Group Durham University