I have questions about this: 1. In my crystallization condition I have 80 mM CaCl2 and 5mM MgCl2. How should I enter the ions to search for into the GUI? Should I enter "Ca; Mg" or "Ca and Mg" or "Calcium and Magnesium" ?
I would try Ca, Mg or Ca Mg and then check log file to see if that was recognized
I wonder how the Phenix Refine can really differentiate Ca or Mg in the map.
It will need anomalous signal from anomalous data.
2. Phenix Refine says the place elemental ion option works best with anomalous data, does the anomalous completeness needs to be over 80% to consider anomalous data?
If it doesn't say this then this is probably not a hard requirement.
Does this help Phenix Refine to locate elemental ions?
If your data is truly anomalous and anomalous signal is present then it should help refinement to locate ions. I would just try and see what happens. Pavel