On 11:29 Fri 11 Mar , Stephen Graham wrote:
Donnie: Can COOT average arbitrary maps? I could not find that in the online documentation (just NCS averaging).
Yes, I even pointed you to the relevant menu entries. I've previously used this to average maps from crystals in two different space groups. I don't think it does anything smart to give you a complete unit cell, though — just a chunk of map near your protein — but I could be wrong. -- Thanks, Donnie Donald S. Berkholz, Ph.D. Research Fellow James R. Thompson lab, Physiology & Biomedical Engineering Grazia Isaya lab, Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine Medical Sciences 2-66 Mayo Clinic College of Medicine 200 First Street SW Rochester, MN 55905 office: 507-538-6924 cell: 612-991-1321