I am puzzled about my ncs-averaged output map.
I determined the ncs relation using phenix.find_ncs with pdb and mtz input. The program finds 2 NCS groups with 3 molecules each and the rmsds are low. I then read in the ncs_spec file and an mtz file with map coefficients into phenix.ncs_average. I used the FOFCWT, PHFOFCWT coefficients. The output map seems cleaner than the unaveraged map and shows some of the same features, but the density around the 3 molecules is not identical. 2 of them look very similar, but the density around one of them is somewhat different. How is this possible if the map is averaged?

Thanks for any suggestions or explanations.


Ursula Schulze-Gahmen, Ph.D.
Assistant Researcher
UC Berkeley, QB3
356 Stanley Hall #3220
Berkeley, CA 94720-3220