On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 6:15 PM, Edward A. Berry
Yes, I've seen the the same error show up in var/log/messages after installing phenix (although it didn't interfere with the install):
Sep 9 18:06:32 oswego automount[2319]: lookup_mount: exports lookup failed for longnose (about 67 times)
Longnose is (or was) one of the serpentine clan of computers at LBL - so I suspected some directory exported by longnose was in a search-path of the phenix install.
No, that's where we actually build it - Linux (unlike Macs) is quite happy to relocate libraries and has no problem loading them if LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set correctly. The installer will rewrite all of the paths required to actually run Phenix; what you're seeing is probably the effect of stray symlinks which we don't handle. As I said, this rarely breaks anything, but we did have one report recently of the GUI taking ~10 minutes to launch because the automounter wasn't timing out. So I may need to revisit the symlink issue. Of course, installing from source will always avoid these problems - but in most cases it is not worth the time and trouble. Fedora12 64 bit gave no errors (but I think autofs was not running) and the
specified files do not reference longnose. But that may be because longnose and co. have been retired and replaced by cage (one cage to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them?)
No, we're keeping longnose around as long as possible - the FC3 build is still the most compatible, even if it takes a while to finish. My guess is that all of the installers have the same problem, so if autofs was running I think you'd still see unexpected references to /net/cage. -Nat