Hi there, I would appreciate some feedback on the following: I am playing around with phenix.refine which comes with Phenix distro 1.6-289 for Mac-Intel. When running a normal refinement job (ind site + grouped ADPs + ncs+TorsionSimulatedAnnealing) phenix.refine gets stuck after bulk solvent modelling and scaling. The last things I see in the log page are: ====================== bulk solvent modeling and scaling ====================== |--(resolution: 3.50 - 58.55 A; n_refl. = 55140)------------------------------| | | | r_work= 0.2687 r_free= 0.2800 ksol= 0.38 Bsol= 10.09 scale= 1.148 | | | | overall anisotropic scale matrix (Cartesian basis; B11,B22,B33,B12,B13,B23):| | (-2.67,-2.67,5.34,0.00,0.00,-0.00); trace/3= 0.00 | | | | maximum likelihood estimate for coordinate error: 0.41 A | | x-ray target function (ml) for work reflections: 7.216427 | | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ========================== Target weights: x-ray data ========================= and that's it. For completeness, I must report that I changed the defaults of wxc_scale and wxu_scale (but surely that cannot be the problem...). Switching off the TorsionSimAnnealing does not help. Additionally, if I click on the abort button on the bottom-left of the page nothing happens. On the other hand if I click on the abort icon at the top of the page I get the message "You are not currently running any calculations. Do you want to close this window?" If I say Ok the following message appears: "There is at least one process running; are you sure you want to exit before it is finished" Other tasks (phenix.xtriage for example) seem to run fine. Any suggestion? Best Roberto