On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 4:14 PM, Michael Thompson <miket@chem.ucla.edu> wrote:
I'm interested in doing some comparisons of random half data sets, inspired by statistics like CC1/2, CC*, etc. Does phenix contain some tool to split unmerged data into 2 random sets? Thought I would ask before trying to write my own script.
Didn't see this before I replied off-list to your ccp4bb post, but for the record:
You can do this very easily with CCTBX, for instance:
from iotbx.file_reader import any_file
from cctbx import miller
from scitbx.array_family import flex
hkl_in = any_file("data.hkl")
i_obs = hkl_in.file_object.as_miller_arrays(merge_equivalents=False) i_obs = i_obs.select(i_obs.sigmas() > 0) # filter out bad sigmas