Thanks Michael, correct, as discussed this morning, auto-open in Coot will not work for FEM maps, you need to load them manually. Thanks for feedback! Pavel On 5/8/14, 8:38 AM, R.M. Garavito wrote:
Just to let you know, the auto-open function works fine on the FEM mtz in the Mac version. Makes a nice looking map which I am looking at now in the context of earlier maps.
/R. Michael Garavito, Ph.D./
/Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology/
/603 Wilson Rd., Rm. 513 /
/Michigan State University/
/East Lansing, MI 48824-1319/
/Office:////(517) 355-9724Lab:(517) 353-9125/
/FAX:(517) 353-9334Email:[email protected] mailto:[email protected]/
On May 8, 2014, at 11:13 AM, Pavel Afonine
mailto:[email protected]> wrote: Hi Parker,
this requires loading map manually (not using auto-open, as Nat pointed out):
Start Coot -> File -> Open MTZ, mmCIF, fcf or phs -> Choose file fem.mtz or whatever you called it, hit Open -> In popped menu "Column Label Assignment" choose: Amplitudes: FEM Phases: PHIFEM -> hit OK
Contouring at 1sigma is universally good. Going down to 0 should not change the appearance much.
On 5/8/14, 8:01 AM, de Waal, Parker wrote:
Hello Everyone,
I'm having trouble opening the map file generated by phenix.fem in coot. Each time I try and load the .mtz file the follow error occurs 'Failed to find any suitable F/phi columns in the MTZ file'.
Dumping the mtz file I can see:
Col Sort Min Max Num % Mean Mean Resolution Type Column
num order Missing complete abs. Low High label
1 NONE 0 33 0 100.00 12.1 12.1 114.15 3.31 H H
2 NONE 0 33 0 100.00 12.8 12.8 114.15 3.31 H K
3 NONE 0 137 0 100.00 51.4 51.4 114.15 3.31 H L
4 NONE 0.0 10551.1 22963 71.24 406.13 406.13 39.60 3.31 F 2mFoDFc
5 NONE -180.0 180.0 22963 71.24 0.98 89.81 39.60 3.31 P PHI2mFoDFc
6 NONE 5.2 51589.8 0 100.00 1602.72 1602.72 114.15 3.31 F FEM
7 NONE -180.0 180.0 0 100.00 0.32 89.74 114.15 3.31 P PHIFEM
If someone could help me to rename these columns to a coot friendly format so that I would be greatly appreciative.
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