The 24-ID-C beamline can deliver X-rays in the range of 6 to 21 keV or ~2.1 to 0.5 Å. This covers most of the popular elemental edges for phasing. This wide energy-range also makes the beamline well
suited for ultra high-resolution data collection and soft X-ray sulfur SAD phasing. The beamline is equipped with an optional kappa goniometer for optimal alignment of crystals. A Pixel Array Detector (PAD), Pilatus-6MF, installed on the 24-ID-C beamline helps
measure very weak Bragg reflection intensities due to its noise-less readout technology and also provides a very fast data collection capability in shutter-less data collection mode.
The 24-ID-E beamline is a fixed energy microdiffraction beamline delivering X-rays at 12.66 keV, optimized for Se-SAD experiments. It is equipped with an Eiger-16M Pixel Array Detector, offering advantages similar to those of the Pilatus-6MF.