Dear all, Last week, I played a little bit with geometry weight in phenix refinement. When I check the log file, what I found is that if I use wxc_scale and fix_wxc in my refinement, actually phenix will ignore the wxc_scale, while if I only use wxc_scale, phenix will follow the value specified in the command line, but the wxc value will change from one macro cycle to another cycle. Below shows one of my examples in which the wxc_scale values are ignored when I use wxc_scale and fix_wxc at the same time. Anyone has similar problems? Thanks for all your considerations. ################## Command line arguments: "../new-unique.mtz" "../3tx8.pdb" "fix_rotamers=true" "strategy=individual_adp+individual_sites" "wxc_scale=0.01" "refinement.input.xray_data.labels=FP,SIGFP" "fix_wxc=10" "--overwrite" refinement.target_weights.wxc_scale = 0.01 refinement.target_weights.fix_wxc = 10 wxc_scale = 0.01 fix_wxc = 10 | XYZ refinement: T = Eexperimental * wxc * wxc_scale + Echem * wc | | wxc = 10.000000 wxc_scale = 1.000 wc = 1.000 | ... ################## Wenchang