Hi, any ambitious membrane protein researchers, please read about the vacancy below. Thanks, phx We are seeking a Principal Investigator to lead the Integral Membrane Protein (IMP) group of the Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC), Oxford. The SGC is a charity organization that includes ~200 researchers in laboratories in the universities of Oxford, Toronto and the Karolinska Institute. Our goal, successfully pursued since 2004, is to solve structures of medically relevant human proteins and deposit them immediately in public databases. We further exploit our target proteins in downstream studies with special emphasis on Chemical Biology, using both our in-house infrastructure and a network of collaborators. In the last year, our efforts have expanded to human integral membrane proteins. The present PI of the IMP group is leaving, and we are seeking a replacement with demonstrated experience and publication record in structural biology of membrane proteins. The IMP group comprises ~8 people, and is additionally supported by the SGC's extensive infrastructure, with close collaborations with molecular biologists, crystallographers, biophysicists and informaticians in the other groups. Currently funded until 2011, the post offers an unrivalled opportunity to develop a strong research program and a reputation as a group leader. More details are available at the following links: http://www.sgc.ox.ac.uk http://www.sgc.ox.ac.uk/jobs/H908014.html