Dear community, I'm trying to work with a published ribosome structure (PDB 7K00, https://www.rcsb.org/structure/7k00 ) for example in phenix.combine_focused_maps or phenix.real_space_refine. Of course this structure contains a lot of modified residues and the monomer library in a fresh Phenix installation (version 1.21.2-5419) does not handle these out of the box. Since a lot of publications have used 7K00 as a starting point for their work in Phenix and since the current CCP4 monomer library plays nice with this structure I would not have expected this. Am I missing something in my Phenix setup to make it recognize such "common" modified residues in a ribosome or do I indeed need to generate parameters myself using AceDRG, eLBOW, Grade2 etc.? In the latter case, could I simply swap out the stock Phenix monomer library for the one from CCP4 as a drop-in replacement or would that be a bad idea? Thank you! Christian