Just to clarify, the issue is not GUI or Mac specific and is also not
a problem with the NQH-flip method. Rather, it is an issue with
PHENIX not properly throwing an error when the input model has two
atoms with the same chainID, residue number, and alternate conformer
code. For some reason PHENIX is not reporting this error (which it
should), but it is being caught by the NQH-flip methods (albeit not
Thanks again to Young-Jin for turning our attention to this error.
On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 6:49 AM, Young-Jin Cho
Sorry for my previous e-mail. By accident, it was sent to everyone.
FYI. Mac GUI has somewhat a bug for this NQH-flip function that I mentioned earlier coupled with residue numbering. It is now in fixing process by Jeff.
Then have a good day!