Hi there, I'm wondering anyone has managed to successfully run Phenix with Rosetta MPI on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.3 or similar? I currently have a non-MPI build of Rosetta that passes all of the tests in phenix_regression.wizards.test_command_line_rosetta_quick However when running these tests with the MPI build of Rosetta the following tests fail: Running test_relax ------------------------------------------------------------ Numbers do not match: 6 1 Relaxed solutions 6 --- Relaxed solutions 1 ------------------------------------------------------------ FAILED See log files test_relax/test_relax.log test_relax/test_relax_current.log ================================================================= Running test_relax_double ------------------------------------------------------------ Numbers do not match: 6 1 Relaxed solutions 6 --- Relaxed solutions 1 ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ Numbers do not match: 6 1 Relaxed solutions 6 --- Relaxed solutions 1 ------------------------------------------------------------ FAILED See log files test_relax_double/test_relax_double.log test_relax_double/test_relax_double_current.log ================================================================= Running test_relax_no_sol ------------------------------------------------------------ Numbers do not match: 6 1 Relaxed solutions 6 --- Relaxed solutions 1 ------------------------------------------------------------ FAILED See log files test_relax_no_sol/test_relax_no_sol.log test_relax_no_sol/test_relax_no_sol_current.log I have attempted to attach an archive of the logs. I'm working with Rosetta 3.5, more recent versions of Rosetta fail other tests in phenix_regression.wizards.test_command_line_rosetta_quick , please see https://www.rosettacommons.org/node/3721 for details. Rosetta 3.5 was compiled with GCC 4.4.6 using OpenMPI 1.6.4 Any help or advice is appreciated. -- Sina Masoud-Ansari Centre for eResearch 409.G21 24 Symonds Street University of Auckland e: [email protected] p: +64 9 3737599 ext 89369 w: http://www.eresearch.auckland.ac.nz