Hi Sneha,

typical R-factors at this resolution are (using "phenix.r_factor_statistics 1.9" command):

Histogram of Rwork for models in PDB at resolution 1.80-2.00 A:
     0.093 - 0.118      : 4
     0.118 - 0.143      : 216
     0.143 - 0.168      : 2142
     0.168 - 0.193      : 5011
     0.193 - 0.218      : 3592
     0.218 - 0.243      : 1090  <<< your case
     0.243 - 0.268      : 151
     0.268 - 0.293      : 20
     0.293 - 0.319      : 1
     0.319 - 0.344      : 3
Histogram of Rfree for models in PDB at resolution 1.80-2.00 A:
     0.138 - 0.163      : 40
     0.163 - 0.189      : 651
     0.189 - 0.214      : 3178
     0.214 - 0.240      : 4512
     0.240 - 0.265      : 2809 <<< your case
     0.265 - 0.290      : 854
     0.290 - 0.316      : 159
     0.316 - 0.341      : 22
     0.341 - 0.367      : 3
     0.367 - 0.392      : 2
Histogram of Rfree-Rwork for all model in PDB at resolution 1.80-2.00 A:
     0.000 - 0.010      : 97
     0.010 - 0.020      : 683
     0.020 - 0.030      : 2367
     0.030 - 0.040      : 3800 <<< your case
     0.040 - 0.050      : 3085
     0.050 - 0.060      : 1422
     0.060 - 0.070      : 511
     0.070 - 0.080      : 172
     0.080 - 0.090      : 73
     0.090 - 0.100      : 20
Number of structures considered: 12230

..so, in terms of R-factors your are fine.

Run Comprehensive validation in Phenix GUI and check all "red flags". I would say you need to be able to explain rotamer/Ramachandran outliers or fix them otherwise.


On 10/24/14 11:50 AM, Sneha Rangarajan wrote:

Hi everyone,


For a 1.9A dataset, here are my statistics-


Rfactors: 22/26

Ramachandran favored: 90.60%

Ramachandran outliers: 2.17%

Rotamer outliers: 4%

Clashscore: 8

Bonds: 0.007

Angles: 1.2


I have tried a couple of things to refine it further but nothing seems to improve all the parameters.

My question is what is an acceptable Rfactor at this resolution for deposition in pdb?


