1) 2FOFCWT PH2FOFCWT bue map (front1.png) (process: XDS->Aimless within CCP4i->MR with Phaser->Phenix.refine/coot->Phenix-refine-withwaters/coot) 2) FWT PHWT purple map (front2.png) (Output from Aimless and calculate Fs with refmac within coot with last pdb from 1st line) What do I have in the crystal? NaCl, Sodium acetate, water, lysozyme and some complexes (~ 400 daltons) that chelate Cu2+ Is there like a gallery of crazy-looking blobs that are explained with something ....real and possible? (that would be great help for the newb) Thanks in advance. links to screenshots right here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rzjepvr8genolxi/front1.png https://www.dropbox.com/s/0iycf4lh5y726x4/front2.png https://www.dropbox.com/s/xx5kvgn91p763ei/faraway.png (1.0 rmsd for both maps above and 3.5 for the "red and green maps")