Hi Mohamed, This is going to be very difficult unless you can collect data to high resolution. The large number of copies, low resolution, and small size of the model all contribute to the difficulty. I would suggest this one will probably need experimental data, high resolution, or a new crystal form. All the best, Tom T ________________________________ From: [email protected] [[email protected]] on behalf of mohamed noor [[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, May 02, 2015 9:01 AM To: [email protected] Subject: [phenixbb] Molecular replacement at low resolution Dear developers I have a dataset to about 4 A in point group P 4 2 2 (Pointless suggests P 41 21 2). The protein is about 11 kDa and has an identity of about 50 % to my search model. Phaser calculated the eLLG to be about 5, and maybe not surprisingly, it failed even after using Sculptor to prepare the model. It also says that solutions with Z-scores more than 8 were rejected for failing the packing test. Are there any suggestions on getting a solution? Solvent content calculation from Xtriage suggests about 8 copies in the asu. Would this be of any help in MR? Thanks.