Dear Eric
I had a similar case. Apart from giving them the same residue number and "A" and "B" altloc identifiers, you should make sure the summation of their occupancies equals 1. Therefore you can use the "occupancy refinement selections" (in the GUI, go to "all parameters", then "atoms selections") and select your two ligands as "constrained groups".
Kind regards
Elke De Zitter
PhD student, KU Leuven
Biochemistry, Molecular and Structural Biology
Celestijnenlaan 200f - bus 2404, 3001 Leuven
Room 00.84, +32 16 3 26530
Van: [email protected] [[email protected]] namens Nathaniel Echols [[email protected]]
Verzonden: woensdag 30 juli 2014 22:00
Aan: Eric Girard
CC: PHENIX user mailing list
Onderwerp: Re: [phenixbb] Two ions at same position
They need to have the altloc identifiers set differently: one ion gets "A", the other gets "B", which will prevent them from clashing in refinement. It is probably a good idea to give them the same residue number if you haven't already - I'm hoping this will result in the occupancy constraint being handled automatically.
On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 3:53 PM, Eric Girard